De Wereld van Baukis, De wereld van Baukis and @missesmyths, De wereld van Baukis en @missesmyths, De wereld van Baukis en missesmyths, De Wereld van Baukis en Missesmyths, De wereld van Baukis and missesmyths, De Wereld van Baukis and Missesmyths, Missesmyths, missesmyths, @missesmyths, Misses Myths, misses myths, Misses myths, misses Myths, Mrs. Myths, Mrs Myths, Mrs myths, mrs Myths, mrs. myths, mrs myths, Mrsmyths, mrsmyths, Ms Myths, Ms. Myths, Msmyths, msmyths, Miss Myths, Miss myths, miss Myths, Aphrodite's Trees, Inge Scheynen, Greek mythretelling, booktok bestseller

Is the book worth the hype?
Why don't you find out?

"I'm halfway through the book and so far, absolutely love it!" (VvG)
You have written a gripping retelling of the Greek myth with a feminist take which brings the tale to life. It skilfully weaves the stories of the gods with the lives of mortals. The reader wants to follow the journey of Baukis and is gripped by her story. (LS)
"Sweeping novel on an epic scale" (RC)
"I didn't study the classics at high school, so I wasn't familiar with the lesser known gods, but I had no difficulty following the story. Wonderful tale that encourages you to read on to know the outcome!" (ND)
"Totally interesting!" (L)
"What particularly struck me was how you were able to incorporate daily life in Athens in 400 BC, the steps in democracy and the proximity of the gods into a beautiful and exciting novel. I especially enjoyed the interactions of the gods with the mortals, the protection they gave them and their rivalry. It was good to be immersed in Greek mythology again in a pleasant and entertaining way! And even Xenophon came into his own! If only we had you as a Greek teacher in my youth!" (LM)
"Thanks to the visual writing style one gets the impression to take part in the story." (LT)
"An exceptional novel that provides historically sound insights into life and thinking in ancient Greece, at the time of Pericles, through fascinating storylines, with special attention to the interaction with the world of the gods. Reading proves that it is possible: with a fascinating story, arouse interest in the politics and culture in Greece, which have left an indelible mark on our civilization. (PS)
"I have never read a book that took me back to my high school days like this one did. I'm not the biggest fantasy fan, but this is never over the top. You cleverly bring the gods into the story in a believable way. (M.S.)
"An innovative novel!" (LS)
"Surprising and exciting till the very end!" (JT)
"You took me on a thrilling journey through ancient Greece... I thoroughly enjoyed it!" (RJ)
"This is compellingly written. The interaction between the human and divine worlds, but also between the fantasy in that divine world and historical reality... Sometimes very harsh and confrontational (an existence in slavery, the story of Kleta), the position of women, the political scheming during the days of Pericles, a figure like Aspasia. Sometimes it feels like an adventure story (the journey to Sparta), there is also a fair dose of romance - both on a human scale and in the world of the gods. And the way the gods manifest themselves in all kinds of guises… (PB)

Ancient Greece comes fully to life thanks to Inge Scheynen. She brings the gods, goddesses and people to life in this wonderful historical fantasy novel.
Not every modern written story about ancient Greece appealed to me in the past. While Greek mythology in itself is fantastic. Luckily for me, I did find a beautiful story in "Aphrodite's Trees"
The characters are very well developed with many interesting psychological evolutions. I especially loved exploring the personalities of the deities.These distant gods and goddesses thus become very tangible (and also have serious ups and downs.)
In addition, the writing style is very pleasant and accessible.
It is also wonderful how the author subtly makes Greek mythology a bit more female and LGBTQ+ friendly.
In other words: for me one of the best novels in this genre!